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Come back to your happy place and enjoy good food and good wine!

Do you love figs? Are you a former guest? If so, do not miss our Figs Harvest Experience Tour, on September 2, 2018. You’ll enjoy 7 days immersed in the Abruzzo nature. We will be cooking different recipes, doing different tours and indulge ourselves with figs. Also, as an optional activity, if the weather permits, we will also offer the opportunity to go on an Adriatic cruise, swimming in the warm waters and drinking prosecco on the boat.

You will be the protagonist of an extraordinary experience: figs harvest. Freshly picked ripe figs, right off the tree. Figs ripe naturally on the branches. They are good to eat directly from the tree or accompanied by fresh cheese or thin cut prosciutto. A real treat!

So don’t miss our tour. Here’s what’s included:

  • 6 Nights Deluxe Accommodations in Palazzo Tour D’Eau
  • 6 Breakfasts, Lunch, Dinner
  • Tastings and harvest of figs
  • 4 Cooking Classes (one of them dedicated to figs)
  • Round-Trip Rome Airport Pick Up and Drop Off

One of our former guests once said: “You Come as a guest and you leave as family”. We truly embrace our guests and we treat them as if they are family. Do you want to experience what is like to be part of an Abruzzese family?

In order to take advantage to this exclusive offer, utilize the Coupon Code ABZFIGSEPT2 and get a free quote!