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Do you love to travel to Italy and love italian food?
Here is the opportunity to get a free trip and become a hero within your friends.
Our Abruzzo Ambassador Incentive Program is perfect for you.
Bring 10 friends and you come for free!
If you are an opinion leader and have lots of friends, we are inviting you to put a group together and come and enjoy a week with your friends where we will be taking care of you.
Here are the perks that come with it:
You don’t have to entertain. We will take care of all the details. We will pick you up at the airport, we plan all the meals, wine will be always flowing, we will drive you to the most special tours and you can enjoy the company of your friends, without all the stress and the hassle. Your accommodation will be a 5 star boutique hotel and the transportation will be in a Mercedes Van.
Does that sound good?
What are you waiting for? Pick a week and let us take care of you. This, will be the best vacation ever.
Life is short, you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Send us an email for a quotation, using the code: AMBASS
and we will respond with all the details of the offer.
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