Abruzzo is a land rich in beauty, history, gastronomic tradition. Among the typical products there are certainly cured meats. The consumption of these meat products, in particular pork, has a long history that starts from Roman civilization and reaches our days. In this article we will...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1569397317752{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] Abruzzo’s most authentic taste: arrosticini Among Abruzzo’s culinary specialties, arrosticini are a must-try experience. They are typically made from castrated sheep's meat (mutton), cut in small cubical chunks of 1 cm (1/2.5 inches), and pierced by a skewer. The presence of ovine fat defines...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1567102524498{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] Guide to Italian customs and etiquette: 15 things you need to know Are you planning a trip to Italy? Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, it’s important to be well prepared. And we’re not just talking about making sure you have your...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1564122484627{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] A short guide to the best Abruzzo’s wines Abruzzo is one of the most important regions for wine production, a reality made up of big and small local producers. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of a variety of native red grape vines,...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1555075148087{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] Driving in Italy Driving in Italy is the best way to explore its lesser known regions and beautiful towns. If you are thinking about driving or renting a car in Italy, here are some insights based on years of experience and thousands of...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1553776177221{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] Breakfast in Italy Italian breakfast (“prima colazione” or simply “colazione”) usually consists of cappuccino, caffè latte (hot coffee with milk) or coffee. Here are some rules to eat breakfast like an Italian: 1. Find the neighborhood caffè. Italians love to stand at the bar...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1552398675355{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}"] A short guide to Italian aperitivo An aperitivo is something similar to the American happy hour, but it’s much more than that. It's a pre-meal drink meant to stimulate your appetite. It was Hippocrates, the famous ancient Greek physician, who first suggested the “vinum...

Coffee is an important part of Italian culture. The day is defined by coffee rituals, which are set in stone and not always easy for outsiders to understand. Nevertheless, there are a few basic rules to follow to avoid being labelled as a tourist. Here...

Who brought the confetti to the party Sulmona – You think you know confetti as this streams of shiny paper and glitter shot into the air every new years eve, right? Right. Well, as you can probably tell, confetti is an Italian word and what it...

What did you say about my nun? In Guardiagrele a dessert was created that became perhaps the most sacred in the land of the Italian peninsula- The sise di monaca; a three-humped soft sponge filled with custard and dusted with icing sugar. Professor Mario Palmerio penned...

It’s easy to find information about currency, passports, and getting a visa, but if you’re wondering what you really need to know before you travel to Italy, this post is for you. Find out how to eat in a restaurant, what to wear, and how...

Abruzzo pastries Extra virgin olive oil, mountain flour, pepper and anise. These are the biscuits from Abruzzo, rustic but delicate sweets at the same time, in which the typical aromas and flours of the area stand out. Today we will tell you about 9 regional specialties...

Bring on the bocconotto From Lanciano, one of the oldest towns in Italy comes a chocolate cream filled delight. Between history and legend, two stories are told about the bocconotto. The first refers to the end of the eighteenth century at the time of the importation of...

Abruzzo hilltop towns The famous hilltop towns of Abruzzo, northern Molise and southern Marche. They can be explained in many different ways and were built for many different reasons. First, let us start with the obvious and simple idea that building a town on top of the...

A Chocolate Christmas Dream From Scanno comes the the delicious mostaccioli! In Autumn, during harvest time; a typical cake from Abruzzo, the "mostacciolo" biscuit made from cooked grape must, this recipe has been handed down from ancient Rome when it was a sweet focaccia. The word...

To the Trabbocho! Traboccho- a fishing house on stilts unique to the southern coastline of Abruzzo, Italy. Anyone who has visited Italy knows that the food is more than just pasta and crushed tomatoes, seafood is a very big part of the cuisine in the beautiful peninsula. ...

The Hermitage of San Bartolomeo in Legio Tucked away in a mountain on the edge of nowhere in Abruzzo is a hermitage that was built into the mountainside.  San Bartolomeo is famous in the Catholic Church as a miracle worker protecting and curing convulsions, headaches, paralysis...

Do you like mountains? We have all you need… The Majella mountains, the Grand Sasso, Mount Amaro, La Bella Addormentata, Roccascalegna. The list goes on and on, you name it and when it comes to mountains Abruzzo has it. We have dedicated an article to each...

The “Gran” Daddy of Abruzzo! The Gran Sasso, the mountain with the tallest peak in all of the Apennines located west of Pescara on Abruzzo’s northwestern border with Marche and Lazio. The mountain has a storied history from housing the prison where Mussolini was held before the...

That's Agnone! In Agnone where art is king When you visit this mystical city here's what they say Where the bells ring your ear with a musical cheer That's Agnone Where the cheese is esteemed and it tastes like a dream That's Agnone Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling And you'll sing "vita bella" Copper...

It's a wine/wine situation Alright, so almost everyone thinks Tuscany produces the best wine in Italy.  Well the winemakers of Abruzzo are the quietly confident kind of people, they know their wines are the best so there is no need to boast. Montepulciano D’Abruzzo is the crown...

Abruzzo Abbondanza! What does that mean? What is Abruzzo? What is this word “Abbondanza”? Allow me to explain, and allow yourself to discover. Abruzzo is a region in central east Italy geographically and part of the south culturally.  The Abruzzo landscape is made up of majestic mountains both rocky and...